Saturday, January 7, 2017

AIGLOW False Eyeashes x Bali Beauty Blogger

Hi again !

Kali ini aku kebanjiran produk sponsor yakni false eyelashes dari Aiglow Bali. Semua member Bali Beauty Blogger mendapatkan bagian untuk mencoba dan tentu saja memberikan review dari Aiglow Lashes Bali. 
Awalnya aku emang penggemar bulu mata palsu, kemana-mana pasti pasang bulu mata palsu, untuk mendukung penampilan juga. Aku pribadi lebih suka memakai bulu mata yang rajutan bulu nya lebih rapat-rapat sehingga terlihat lentik.
Ok, mari kita bahas satu persatu produk dari Aiglow Lashes!

Ai Glow & Papallona False Eyelashes

Jadi para member Bali Beauty Blogger diberikan 2 tipe produk yakni Papallona dan AiGlow. Bentuk dari Papallona lebih cute dan unyu, so eyecatching!  Langsung fall in love dengan packagingnya yang lucu. Sedangkan AiGlow packaging yang aku dapet berwarna warni, ada merah, kuning, pink, dan hijau. Aku seneng packaging yang ringkes begini, gak ribet dibawa kemana2 dan tetap catchy!

Papallona False Eyelashes Packaging. Uber cute!

Packaging Papallona yang lucu warna pink dan juga ada motif kupu-kupu

Packaging Papallona memang sangat menarik, namun bagi yang suka travelling, mungkin tipe Papallona agak tidak friendly untuk dibawa kemana-mana karena bentuknya yang besar dan tidak cukup dimasukkan ke dalam pouch.

Packaging dalam Papallona False Eyelashes

ini Papallona tipe P 13, favoritku 

hasilnya tebal, dan natural banget, pokonya rekomend banget sama yang ini

Ini tipe Papallona lain yang aku suka untuk kegiatan sehari-hari, kayak gak pakai
bulu mata palsu, tapi bikin bulu mata kita lebih tebal aja. Bentuknya juga tidak rata
lebih seperti tangga, ujung mata lebih tinggi..
Papallona tipe P7

Warna warni AiGlow Lashes, ada merah, pink, hijau, dan kuning. Sangat praktis dan murah karena hanya di bandrol 55 ribu saja per lusinnya. WOOOOWW... Yuk borong!

Ini adalah tipe AiGlow M2. Cocok dipakai sehari-hari buat kerja atau meeting sama 
klien. Gak terlalu norak, buat remaja juga cocok. Bulu-bulunya gak terlalu panjang dan nyaman banget pastinya. 

AiGlow tipe G20

Tipe 20 ini sedikit lebih panjang (apalagi kalau di add sedikit maskara)
lalu bulu bulunya lebih rapat.
disini aku pakai 2 tumpuk jadi kelihatan tebal, dipakai kepesta ulang tahun temen cocok banget lho

Simple false eyelashes from Ai Glow

Karena bulu mata asliku udah lumayan panjang,
sebenernya pakai tipe ini gak seberapa ngaruh, jadi harus ditimpa
2 kali biar agak lentik

Hasil penumpukan 2 false eyelashes dari AiGlow.
Kalau ke wedding, cocok banget pakai 2 tumpuk false eyelashes agar terlihat tetep seger walau udah malem. Jangan takut aiglow termasuk cukup ringan dan nggak bikin berat dimata.

Petunjuk penggunaan false eyelashes ada di belakang kotak

Follow juga instagram aiglow @aiglow_bali
Disana kamu bisa pilih banyaaaak banget tipe-tipe bulu mata yang cocok buat kamu
soal harga, dijamin sangat terjangkau dengan kualitas yang diberikan

Oya, satu lagi tips dari aku
Apply-lah eyeshadow dahulu sebelum bulu mata palsu
dan jangan lupa juga ya bulu mata palsu diukur terlebih dahulu sebelum dipasang/
dilem. Digunting jika ternyata lebih panjang dari mata kamu.

Ok sekian blog kali ini tentang Aiglow False Eyelashes x Bali Beauty Blogger


Saturday, December 31, 2016

Bali Beauty Blogger Gathering

Hi beauty people,

It's been so long, yap maaf jika baru sempat ngepost kali ini. Karena kesibukan yang merajalela, terutama lagi musim-musim wedding dan mengharuskan saya untuk stop blogging sebentar untuk menunaikan tugas sebagai decorator, terpaksa melalaikan blog tercinta ini. Disamping juga adik saya tercinta hijrah ke Melbourne untuk studi, so saddddd,,, tak ada teman untuk nge-blog sekarang.

But guys, I'm so happy rite now because yahhh saya sekarang sudah join dengan Bali Beauty Blogger. TARAAAA.....!!! Apa itu bali beauty blogger? Ya, seperti namanya BBB (singkatannya) merupakan komunitas para blogger based in Bali dimana kami sama-sama suka kecantikan dan juga ingin membagikan sedikit ilmu kami ke masyarakat. Yak dan kemarin kami baru saja mengadakan first gathering kami di Goemerot Restaurant, Denpasar.

Hmmmm,,, cukup gak pede ya awalnya, Karena saya juga baru-baru saja blogging dan baru pertama kali join acara BBB. But, setelah ketemu dan berbaur. YAY saya langsung click sama anak-anak BBB. Oh ya, bagi yang belum tau nih.. sebagai dekorator saya juga ikut mensupport first gathering BBB nih dengan mensponsori dekorasi dari CLORIS DECORATION,

Penasaran? Mari kita bahas satu persatu yuk....

Me and my decoration CLORIS DECORATION
Gathering pertama kita pada tanggal 23 Desember lalu berlangsung dengan sangat lancar. Saya dan beberapa panita datang terlebih dahulu untuk mendekor. Konsep kami sepakati untuk white, gold, serta sedikit sentuhan blue, Saya bekerja semaksimal mungkin agar bisa menciptakan suasana yang berbeda bagi teman-teman blogger saya. Jadi, bagaimana menurut kalian hasil dekorasi saya? Hihihi....

Spotted Bali Beauty Blogger!

Sparkle !

Lily and chandelier on point !

Photo properties for beauty fellas

Acara pertama kami yakni doa bersama dilanjutkan dengan perkenalan para anggota, Yang paling ditunggu-tunggu yakni sharing session, yes karena saya termasuk orang yang suka banget dapet ilmu tambahan, yang tentunya next bisa berguna untuk diriku.

Sharing pertama dibuka oleh teman saya Ita Chenn dengan tema "How To Be A Content Writter"
Dari sharing Ita, yang saya tangkap bahwa kita harus orisinil tidak mengcopy tulisan orang lain, memiliki style yang beda. Selain itu komunikatif dalam menyampaikan pesan kita ke pembaca. Serta memiliki time management dan self control yang baik.

Sharing kedua dibawakan Jessica Ie dengan tema "How To Get Money from Instagram and Blog" dari Jessica saya mendapatkan pelajaran yakni dengan mengganti akun bisnis instagram kita (yapp saya sudah kokk! hihihi...) Melakukan kolaborasi dengan blogger lain, serta mengganti link bio kita (dimana ini saya juga udh lakukan) yapp semoga setelah ini makin banyak tawaran kerja sama deh saya (AMIIIENNN.... hehehhehe....

Sharing terakhir dari Hatta Shani yakni "How To Get Followers and Money From Youtube" from Sani saya belajar bahwa mengusung produk lokal ternyata sangat diminati dan bisa memperoleh banyak views. Software yang juga mendukung. Jadi.. bagaimana, haruskah saya menjadi vloggers? hehehe... mungkin next step for 2017 yak!

Selesailah rangkaian acara makan dan sharing bersama tadi, dilanjutkan dengan mencicipi dessert enak dari sponsor kita, penasaran? Ini dia..

Pannacotta from @Sweetgems.Bali

Cheese Cake from @SayCheese.Bali

Acara terakhir yakni pembagian goodie bag dari sponsor-sponsor kita dan juga yang dinantikan yakni tukar kadoo.. Dan diakhiri dengan foto bersama.
Sangat senang bisa hadir di acara gathering BBB dan semoga BBB lebih kompak dan eksis di 2017! AMIN.

My new family BBB

yes we are Bali Beauty Blogger 

Terimakasih untuk semua sponsor



Sunday, August 7, 2016


New postttt!!! We would like to apologize for y'all that have been asking for a blog update. Youween was really busy last month so we didn't have the time. But now we are back with a new update! We're sure many of you guys haven't heard about this new restaurant in Seminyak. It is located near Revolver. You can park your car on Seminyak Square and walk a bit.

The signage. We're terribly sorry it was too bright so you can't see the signage clearly in the photo. Well, at least you know how it looks like.
The front terrace. The interior was kinda traditional and vintage.
There were lots of tourist just sitting around while enjoying the busy Seminyak street.
Batik is a 2 floor restaurant. This was the first floor with of course batik all over the wall and pillow.
The stair also full of Batik representing regional areas in Indonesia.
There's a hidden place below the stairs.
The second floor was even more interesting. But the face on that frame was a bit creepy.
"Love Batik"
Oh this one was really creepy. But artistic so yea.
The mini bar area as the center of the second floor.
This restaurant was pretty big.
The bar area on the first floor taken from the 2nd floor. We really liked the idea of the vertical garden behind the bar.


We were full enough for a main course, so we just ate a dessert and drinks instead. Lava Cake was the best seller dessert so we ate that and wow it was a good choice.

Rose Wine -55k
Chocolate Lava Cake -about 40k
Earl Grey Tea -25k


There was lots of beautiful background for an #ootd picture! It was definitely an instagram worthy restaurant.

Youween's outfit.
A simple black romper.

Dea's outfit.
An off shoulder paired with a button up skirt, and of course sunnies is a must.
Do we look alike?
After hearing the name "Batik" we thought that it's going to be a traditional restaurant again. But we were surprised at how beautiful the place was, It was traditional vintage with a modern and green twist. The food price was reasonable, the staff were all dressed in a batik uniform and super nice. We're looking forward to come back again soon!
Lastly, we'll make sure to post more in the future, since Dea will go soon. Thankyou for always reading our update!

Batik Restaurant Bar
AddressJalan Kayu Aya, Kabupaten Badung, Jl. Raya Seminyak, Seminyak, Bali
Phone(0361) 735171

Sunday, June 26, 2016


This week we got a chance to visit one of the most attractive and eye catching hotel in Bali! Inspired and managed by Avilla Hospitality (Instagram: @avillabali) Berry Glee Hotel offers you an exciting stay in Bali with young and fun concept. This 4 stars hotel located on Jalan Raya Kuta near Central Park which made this place very strategic.

Spot for taking photos. But basically, you can take photos everywhere in this hotel coz it was so beautiful.
The lobby area.

One of the facilities, The Glee Starpool.
The most amazing thing that we really like from this hotel is that they offers thematic rooms that you can't found in the other hotels! It really encourage us to stay there longer.

Themed Suite
One word, awesome. This one is perfect for a couple holiday.
The "movie" suite.
The living room is so chic and prettily decorated.
The bathroom.
Yep there's a movie quotes on the glass. You can read it while laying on the bath tube. How amazing!
The "futuristic" view from the suite balcony.
Note: there are only 3 rooms available with this view.
We wish our rooms are like this.

Family Room
Okay, this one was really making me excited. A family stay in a really cute themed room. Couldn't ask for more!

OMG! It's sailor themed family room. Speechless.
There's also a really cute bunk bed on the other side.
This hotel also provided Superior Room, but apparently it was full that time so we couldn't take pics. And lastly, with more space than the superior room, Deluxe Suite is also available for you to pick.
For further information click here

The surprises are coming and coming! Talking about the facilities of the hotel, you can challenge your singing skills in the Funpods Karaoke. Same as the rooms, the karaoke rooms also have unique themes! You can enjoy karaoke with different vibes, starting now.

Music Themed

Movie Themed

Sports Themed
Introducing you, our favorite theme!
The hallway, with legends all over the wall.

It's fairly cheap, eh? With awesome rooms like that? This going to be my go to place to sing. Definitely. We already went here twice and we're going to go back again. We need to try singing in that baseball room! Oh! and beside the room, their songs are up to date and very diverse. From Indonesian, Western, Korean, Chinese, India, etc.

We ate a lot of foods, spring rolls, club sandwich, nasi koloke, and pisang keju. All of them were delicious. Seriously we're not lying.

We really enjoyed our time here, so in love by all the surprises that Berry Glee offered. If you are looking for a unique hotel that screams youthful with a fun concepts, we highly recommend this one! We definitely felt the excitement after stepping once to this hotel.

Find out more on